It’s been a while since I posted much on this site – I have continued to take photographs but not quite so often – here is the first of a few that were taken last year but not published.
After a trip for a second look around Durham University with my daughter in September 2019, we then headed up to Hadrians Wall – as for some previous posts (https://visioncaptureprocess.com/2019/07/peel-gap-tower/ and https://visioncaptureprocess.com/2019/07/climb-to-peel-crag/), we parked just near the wall not far from Once Brewed on the B6318. We climbed up to Peel Crag, but this time (I’d done some research!), we walked further – some of the walk along Peel Crag is fairly flat, but then there are steep drops down for Milecastle 39 before rising again. You then drop down for Sycamore Gap (post to follow) – one of the most photographed sections of Hadrians Wall.

It had been a long day, so Freya sat on a rock while I continued along the path a short way, along Highshield Crags, overlooking the Crag Lough – while walking along the top I was passed by two guys who had been climbing the crag – the photograph shows them heading West along the path on their way back towards their car.
After Freya and I had finished our picnic, it was time to head home – this was a 4h drive – first across to Carlisle and down the M6 and M40 – it was a long couple of days (we had stayed at the Travelodge at Scotch Corner the night before) – Thankfully I had the Sunday to recover – that was probably a quiet day!
The photograph was taken into the sun – quite a bit of flare (internal reflections from the lens elements) on this one – in fact, when editing the shot, I notice there is some dust on the sensor (more obvious against the sky – you don’t notice it with ‘busy’ photographs) – I need to clean these dust particles off if I can – have done this before with my Nikon D80, but this camera does a sensor clean (aka shake) as it switches off. Cleaning these dust particles will save some editing time, so definitely worth doing!
Because this was taken into the sun (contra-jour), the aperture is as small as it can go (f/22) – this means that we get the star burst on the sun – quite effective here.
The editing was fairly minimal – keeping the black levels to maintain the darkness of the foreground and increasing the contrast. A warm up tint was applied and colours boosted slightly – a vignette has also been applied.
#2019 #UK #HadriansWall #Northumberland #silhouette #sunset #walkers #skyline
Technical details:
Fuji X-E1; 29mm(XF18-55mmF2.8-4 R LM OIS); 1/420s@f22; ISO200 – handheld – post-processing in Lightroom – DSCF157619100710251
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