Canary Wharf


This is Canary Wharf…or rather part of it – taken from Wood Wharf on a bright, but rather cold morning – 19th December 2013.

This is a five shot panorama – the resulting image once stitched together in Photoshop CS5 was almost 12,000 pixels across – this gives a much better level of detail than if I’d done it with one shot (the D80 is only a 10M pixel camera – so  a single landscape shot is  3800 pixels)  – there was quite a bit of distortion in the buildings (keystoning or ‘converging verticals’) – common enough when the camera is tilted to take in tall buildings – I removed this using the transformation tool in Photoshop (effectively warping the canvas) – due to the warping, I needed to clone some of the sky…thankfully it was a fairly solid blue, making it much easier – and finally I cropped the result.

Back in Lightroom, I added a graduated filter, and reduced the exposure on some of the lower windows.

All in all a glorious photograph with some glorious colour!

BTW – I work in the low building (well, it has 12 floors, so not so low…but it is all relative!) roughly in the middle of the shot in front of the tall Citibank building..

Technical details:

Nikon D80; 1/80s;f/4.5@18mm (18-70mm; f/3.5-4.5; Nikkor stock zoom); ISO100 – handheld – Panorama stitching in Photoshop CS5 – Post processing in LR5
