Metal and Wood


Hmmm…not doing so well with the New Years Resolution (which was to post photographs to this website more regularly)…so, without further ado, here is one of my latest!

Taken a few days ago, it is part of a short study of a strange looking piece of artwork that has been installed at Canary Wharf – there are no labels (that I have found), so I don’t know what it is called nor the name of the artist.

This detail of the some of the reflections caught in the metal panels of the wooden ‘frames’ and the surrounding building.

Edited in Lightroom 5.0 and converted to black and white using Silver Efex Pro, toned with a copper tint.

Technical details:

Nikon D80; 1/125s;f/5.6@18mm (18-70mm;f/3.5-4.5;Nikkor stock zoom);ISO400 – handheld – Post processing in LR5, Google/Nik Software Silver Efex Pro